Today, lets play a game. Its called 'Guess where i am?':

Ok, now its your turn. Guess. :)
Holiday Inn?
Some other 5-star resort?
Nearly there.
Ok, i'll spill.
The picture above is the room im staying in at Bank Negara Malaysia's Lanai Kijang resort, for an 'orientation program' until Sunday. Orientation program. Everyone expected it to be some sort of summer camp. Never in our wildest dreams did we expect to be greeted by a hotel lobby:
Or be given a single room each, and a queen sized bed. Apakah???!!! Im beginning to love BNM more n more by the minute. :) Im not a**kissing. The look on their faces says it all:
Looking forward to an exciting program. :D
gmbe tu kene ke tutup idung?overrrrrrnyerrr...hahaha
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