First and foremost, i'd like to thank the people who:
Monday, March 23, 2009
18 years ago i came out on a saturday
Posted by The Author at 11:26 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Finally, happy cheers
Chong Wei won.
Liverpool trashed Man U.
This is a good time to be their fans :)
Posted by The Author at 1:00 AM 5 comments
P is for..
They say third time's a charm. Whoever said that, i'd like to give them an award. 'Ikmal's Award for Best Quote in a Real-life Situation'.
Anyways, if you have time to peer through my un-updated archives, you'll see that there were two times before this that i blogged with frustration about failing the JPJ driving test. Frustration no longer. :)
I was really nervous this time round. You must be nervous if you're having dreams about balancing the clutch. I was scared shitless.
And to top it off, i never got as far as the real road. You see, there's a DAUNTING hill right before the main road, and twice i slid down that hill. Twice i failed, or twice the hill failed me, depending on your kind of logic.
So yesterday (16 March 2009) i took the test again. Images of potential failure swam in my head. Stalled engine. Sliding backwards. Shaky legs. No-mercy JPJ. And the look of disbelief on people's faces (you failed three times? aisey..)
In conclusion, got-to-pass this time.
Lucky me, i got a male JPJ officer. Not so nervous now. As i went up The Hill, adrenaline swept through my whole system. I stopped at the top. I balanced. I didn't slide. I wanted to pump my fists and shout 'Yeahhhh!!!!', but i kept my composure.
And the rest, as they say, is history. :D
Posted by The Author at 12:07 AM 2 comments
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Ye olde Camera
This blog's photos were proudly brought to you by:This light Panasonic SV-AV30 camera, which looks high-tech and was even promoted by the film Tomb Raider.
When i take this camera out, everybody makes awestruck faces and says 'dude..that's a cool camera' while i make the best attempt at hiding a smile.
Nevertheless, it only has one zoom, and one type of flash, and one picture setting. Let's just say it's not going to win you any photography competitions.
And during dikir barat the other day the screen suddenly turned to black-and-white. New camera perhaps?
Posted by The Author at 4:02 PM 1 comments
In tradition of the great explorers
Now that my blisters have healed, my mind has healed too, and i can finally blog again *scoff*
"What blisters?" you ask? The blisters were a souvenir from the Duke of Edinburgh expedition, a 2-day, 25-km walk. And that is the topic for today.
For an expedition you'll need:
1. A group of smiling, cheery friends2. Sunblock, so you won't be mistaken for Chris Brown when you get back
3. Insect repellent (it's like mosquito heaven inside plantations)
4. Ye olde trusty tent
5. Lots of food and water
6. Anything deemed necessary to survive. This may include camera, baby wipes, etc.
With our rucksacks all packed, at 2.45 last Saturday we took off on the Adventurous Journey, ahead of us nothing but the eerie silence and emptiness of Lembah Beringin.
The first few kilometers were on tarmac, and we saw the extent of the failed development in Beringin Valley. The only 'civilisation' was the the college, the golf course and a few inhabited houses. I pity those people who bought houses here (those were the days when there was an ad on TV, with a soundtrack playing 'Lembah Beringin...what a wonderful world..') heh. Wonderful world indeed. The rest were abandoned houses and shoplots.If a Malaysian director decided to direct something like 'I am Legend' or '28 weeks later' (please,not zombi kampung pisang), this would be a nice place to shoot it. It wasn't even 5 kilometres yet, and my shoulders were crying for mercy (hey, i carried one of the tents, kay). Everybody's shoulders were.
After that, no more tarmac. Just open plainsAnd mosquito-infested plantations
We were lucky enough to get cloud cover, so heat wasn't a problem. The problem was to keep walking. I wonder how army guys manage it. Must have balls of steel.
Our route was generally rough path-and-tarmac, except for one detour path to cross an overflowing river. It was pure mud, and it gave my white shoes a sad time. By the time we completed that section, our shoes looked like it was covered in s**t, although if it was covered in shit i would have walked barefoot from that point on.
And then there was the revelation. We had actually bought sausages to eat at camp, but someone forgot to pack the sausages along. I gave him the name 'mat sosej', but that sounds kinda wrong, doesn't it? Anyways, we weren't really bothered by absence of sausages, and after a 3 and 1/2-hour walk, we made it to the football field. I really don't get why anyone would turn a field with wild grass and mushy ground into a football field.
That night we had rice (pre-packed from the dining hall) and canned gravy. It was all mixed together, and in the darkness mutton, chicken and beef tasted the same. When a smell of cooking meat wafted in the air, i dearly wished we had brought the sausages. =) Afterwards, with no internet and no TV we were confined to gossiping.
And looking at the night sky. Lying in the a vast field, it brought a deep sense of peace and awe, and exhausted as i was, it was a welcome solace.
Posted by The Author at 2:02 PM 3 comments