Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Happy Days

It's time for a little Q&A:

Q: Is it possible to create a winning nasyeed team in 3 days?
A: Yes, it is. =)

The awards ceremony yesterday saw a windfall for the house of Sapphire, as we took a juicy chunk of winnings in the Islamic Cultural & Arts Week.. during the Minggu Citra Budaya, we proclaimed ourselves the 'Most Cultural House'. 

Now? Some ideas pop into mind..'Most Islamic House'...'House With Most Faith'.. although both of them would be an extreme exaggeration. because surely winning competitions doesn't mean we're the most Islamic. So a safer option would be 'House that Won Most in ICAN', but that doesn't have a ring to it. One of us suggested another title, 'House of Heaven'.. err.. extremely hyperbole...

Now that the ICAN suspense is over, i was anxious about AS results, due at GMT 00:00 this morning.

I couldn't afford to miss Dr. Foord's class at GMT 00:15, so i asked my best friend, who happily had no classes, to check. 

And then the message came. I got a's for Maths and Econs! Yay. =D  And for some reason, this morning for the first time the sun beamed through the windows of the Dining Hall and shone on my face, like some special effects in a Japanese manga. I think it shone on my face, i couldn't be sure. 

The sun is shining today.. and i want to cherish every second.